I have been managing ecosystems for over eight years. The experience of creating business ecosystems, managing them, entering other ecosystems allowed me to painlessly increase the value of businesses by 2-3 times. The ecosystem logic allowed the high-tech business, which is among the top five companies in the world, to maintain the necessary level of innovation and not lose its position. Ecosystem logic made it possible to pull out of the crisis large holdings that had neither resources nor effective business models.

International businesses and international institutions have been using this approach for a long time due to the huge level of threats and the complexity of the challenges they face. A colossal shift has taken place in the world. If earlier the task of business was to come up with an idea more powerful than that of competitors, now this is no longer enough. Because today competitors can quickly copy ideas, and then we only have to compete on price. Moreover, a competitor can attract more powerful partners with more powerful capabilities and capital under the same idea. And he wins.
Development of e-readers. Amazon vs Sony
Amazon and Sony have achieved radically different results in the development of e-readers. Why did this happen? These results were rooted in completely different approaches to building ecosystems.
In 2006, Sony created an exceptional portable e-reader: bright screen, long battery life, lots of memory. Sony was able to achieve what no other reader could: a reading experience close to traditional print with all the advantages of storage, retrieval and portability inherent in digital media. The launch had huge press support.
So why, with a superior product, did Sony fail to attract consumers?
The company was focused on the device itself. But readers expected proper content. Success depended on the inclusion of a large army of authors and powerful publishing houses in the game.
Sony couldn't find enough economic and legal incentives to include publishers, and readers didn't queue up for a reader.
When the reader market finally took shape, it did so on Amazon's terms.
Sony had a compelling vision, as did Amazon. The key difference was how Amazon built the ecosystem, how it brought in strong key players. It changed the connections and relationships between ecosystem participants and found enough leverage and incentives to change the business models of digital book publishers. Amazon won the battle with a much weaker device.
Then how can we win
We can become part of an ecosystem where each member works on a common idea and reinforces each other. We don't need to have all the resources ourselves, we need to have partners with the necessary resources.
When business ecosystems emerge
When an actor or group of actors decides to mobilize a large number of independent actors to work together towards common goals. An ecosystem must always have an idea. To create an ecosystem, we need to find participants who have enough resources, capabilities, competence and capital to realize our idea.
In any ecosystem, there are key players - hubs. They define both the ideas and the rules of the game. There are niche players. Working in ecosystems, they multiply their capabilities and at the same time strengthen the key player. At the same time, in order to remain strong, the key players must also provide strength to niche participants. Sometimes they care about them even more than they care about themselves. Because niche players are the basis of the implementation of their tasks. A small system player may not even know what the system architect's idea was. But if his interests are balanced in this system, if it is profitable for him to work in it, he will automatically work for the idea.
In ecosystems, everything is interconnected and interdependent. All participants know their roles and agree to fulfill them. For example, there is the Real Time Value Network platform, which deliberately connects large corporations with local companies. Previously, managers of regional businesses, for example in Zhytomyr or Cherkasy, could not come to the Siemens company and say: "I want to be a partner and produce components for you." It was beyond the realm of possibility. Today, it is possible and necessary to do so. Because it does not make sense for Siemens to build up all its capacities, but it needs partners who have the appropriate competencies. And it is desirable that there were several such partners. It's a daunting task for big business, and it's a huge opportunity for local companies.
Source: biz.nv.ua

Jun 18 2019, 13:45
How to create such added value that the result exceeded the invested resources not on percent, and in times (and it is better - on orders of magnitude)? We asked this question during the international training module for MBA kmbs participants, which took place in the USA and the Netherlands.
Jun 27 2019, 09:35
I have been managing ecosystems for over eight years. The experience of creating business ecosystems, managing them, joining other ecosystems allowed me to painlessly increase the value of businesses by 2-3 times.
Jun 27 2019, 09:30
Today, both in the Western world and in Ukraine, we are seeing the return of philosophy to the public sphere. We see a growing interest in philosophy in a broad sense. It is associated with a set of certain skills that are increasingly needed: the ability to read, write and speak. We now feel the need to rediscover these competencies.