Participants work with faculty in a lecture and discussion format on courses that focus on the individual and the systems the participant manages. Combining different approaches and working with the theory and methodology of developing innovative strategies allow us to see and develop new ways of development and transformation for business, state, cultural and humanitarian institutions.
Understanding business as a system. Basic principles and rules of third-generation systemic thinking. Systems thinking tools. Vision of the whole, increasing influence, forecasting events, building teams. Systems thinking as an alternative to linear thinking.
Design thinking in business as a combination of design thinking and strategy approaches. Using design thinking to develop innovative strategies, business models and environments. Design thinking for the development of business and government systems.
Creative thinking helps to overcome stereotypes. Participants in the process can experiment, form new systems of varying complexity. Nowadays, the number and intensity of situations that require a non-standard approach from us are increasing. This may relate to new products on the market, solving social problems, finding new areas of activity for companies and institutions.
Philosophy works with the inner dimension of a person, helps to determine the vector of actions in this world and to form a path to something new. Philosophy helps to realize oneself as fully as possible in order to lead a meaningful life. Thinking is a conscious combination of thoughts. Working with thinking determines the level of ideas, concepts and construction of effective strategies
Big Data як інструмент прийняття стратегічних рішень
Штучний інтелект. Системне використання можливостей ШІ
Квантові обчислення. Майбутнє обробки інформації
Технології Blockchain.
Генерування національної сили. Драйвери конкурентоспроможності нації
Національний характер. Національна воля
Національна ідентичність. Спільні цінності суспільства
Чинники стійкості та згуртованості суспільства
Роль релігії, культури та громадських організацій у консолідації суспільства
Інтегровані політики відновлення демографічного активу України
Реінтеграція внутрішньо переміщених осіб, біженців, населення деокупованих територій
Встановлення перехідного правосуддя
Уникнення розколу суспільства. Примирення
Зрілість суспільства.

Jun 18 2019, 16:18
A small company becomes a partner of a global corporation — and reaches a new level of development. The business instantly "repackages" the solution to suit the client's needs. All this becomes possible thanks to the logic of open systems. What is it and how to accept Ukrainian business?
Jun 27 2019, 09:35
I have been managing ecosystems for over eight years. The experience of creating business ecosystems, managing them, entering other ecosystems allowed me to painlessly increase the value of businesses by 2-3 times.
Jun 27 2019, 09:23
Daniel Pink is the author of four world bestsellers. His books have been translated into 34 languages. In 2013, Daniel was included in the Thinkers 50 list of the best business thinkers.